Friday, August 9, 2013

"Trim Tab" Buckminster Fuller

Something hit me very hard once, thinking about what one little man could do. Think of the Queen Mary the whole ship goes by and then comes the rudder. And there's a tiny thing at the edge of the rudder called a trim tab.

It's a miniature rudder. Just moving the little trim tab builds a low pressure that pulls the rudder around. Takes almost no effort at all. So I said that the little individual can be a trim tab. Society thinks it's going right by you, that it's left you altogether. But if you're doing dynamic things mentally, the fact is that you can just put your foot out like that and the whole big ship of state is going to go.

So I said, call me Trim Tab.
-Designer and Inventor Buckminster Fuller, Playboy, February 1972

The Grave of Buckminster Fuller (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Genealogy, and by extension biography, has always fascinated me and in many respects changed me, opening up surprising new worlds and insights for me. Reflecting back I notice I tend to be attracted for some unknown reason to more unusual, extraordinary, off-beat personalities. One of these is American creative thinker, inventor and designer, Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983). So I felt a little “trim tab tribute” to "Bucky" Fuller should feature sometime as I muse here about small feedback influences with huge effects in my "cybernetic" (from the Greek, kubernesis, meaning "a rudder") blogs.* Trim tabs work much like the butterfly effect in Chaos Theory and Automatic Frequency Control in radios except that they are more controlled than random butterflies.

Out of the box thinker, Buckminster Fuller, is probably best remembered for popularising the notion of "Spaceship Earth".  In 1968 he published his Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth in which he laments the exploitation of Earth's resources...

...we can make all of humanity successful through science's world-engulfing industrial evolution provided that we are not so foolish as to continue to exhaust in a split second of astronomical history the orderly energy savings of billions of years' energy conservation aboard our Spaceship Earth. These energy savings have been put into our Spaceship's life-regeneration-guaranteeing bank account for use only in self-starter functions.

Fifty years later and our “bank account” is in overdraft and we are morally and spiritually bankrupt.

1927 (he was 32) was a crucial, crossroads, year in Fuller's life. He had hit rock bottom and was deeply depressed. He felt responsible for the death of his little daughter some ten years previous. He had lost his job and was financially ruined. He was at the end of his tether. He contemplated taking his life so that his family could benefit from a life insurance policy. He found himself a disappointed, broken man on  the shores of Lake Michigan when out of the blue he had an extraordinary life changing experience.

LloydSteven Sieden relates this amazing story in his, Buckminster Fuller's Universe: His Life and Work:

After several hours of internal debate over the question "Buckminster Fuller - life or death," Bucky was suddenly seized by an experience which would transform his life and his overall perception forever. As he would later recall, he experienced what he thought was the most significant of many seemingly mystical events which occurred throughout his life. During almost all of the lectures which followed that experience, he would recount that he had unexpectedly found himself suspended several feet above the ground enclosed in a "sparkling white sphere of light." During the incident, time appeared to stop while he listened to a voice speaking directly to him. Although the experience was difficult for the pragmatic Fuller to accept as reality, he remembered not resisting and allow himself to savor it fully. Because of that, he was able to remember the exact words he heard. The voice declared, "From now on you need never await temporal attestation to your thought. You think the truth." It continued, "You do not have the right to eliminate yourself. You do not belong to you. You belong to Universe. Your significance will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume that you are fulfilling your role if you apply yourself to converting your experiences to the highest advantage of others." Although we will never know if that "voice" was simply Fuller's inner thoughts or some higher guidance, it did result in a vastly transformed individual.

It was an epiphany that changed the course of his life. Henceforth he sought to live such that others would benefit.

Psychologist Abraham Maslow called such moments of unexpected grace, "peak experiences”. Rationally inexplicable, we suspend judgement and marvel contemplating such life transfiguring, "Damascus Road" experiences with a sense of overwhelming awe and wonder. 

I have advocated journaling as a spiritual discipline but Fuller deliberately took the practice to extremes. He wrote what he called his "Dymaxion Chronofile" in which he sought to record every fifteen minutes of his life from 1920 to 1983! It is the ultimate personal scrapbook! He said, "I decided to make myself a good case history of such a human being and it meant that I could not be judge of what was valid to put in or not. I must put everything in, so I started a very rigorous record" (Oregon Lecture #9, p.324, 12 July 1962). His diary rivals everything envisaged by Pepys and John Wesley
An idiosyncrasy was the manner in which Fuller wrote and spoke sometimes "levitating" us out of our own traditional comfort zones. He invented words and used neologisms with dramatic koan like effect. “Dymaxion” was a word that came to be associated with Fuller and his designs. He readily adopted it as a personal trademark. It was a portmanteau of "dynamic maximum tension" and was so descriptive of his life and work.  Wikipedia explains his mind-shifting language further... 

Buckminster Fuller spoke and wrote in a unique style and said it was important to describe the world as accurately as possible....

Fuller used the word Universe without the definite or indefinite articles (the or a) and always capitalized the word. Fuller wrote that "by Universe I mean: the aggregate of all humanity's consciously apprehended and communicated (to self or others) Experiences."

The words "down" and "up", according to Fuller, are awkward in that they refer to a planar concept of direction inconsistent with human experience. The words "in" and "out" should be used instead, he argued, because they better describe an object's relation to a gravitational center, the Earth. "I suggest to audiences that they say, 'I'm going "outstairs" and "instairs."' At first that sounds strange to them; They all laugh about it. But if they try saying in and out for a few days in fun, they find themselves beginning to realize that they are indeed going inward and outward in respect to the center of Earth, which is our Spaceship Earth. And for the first time they begin to feel real 'reality.'"

"World-around" is a term coined by Fuller to replace "worldwide". The general belief in a flat Earth died out in Classical antiquity, so using "wide" is an anachronism when referring to the surface of the Earth —a spheroidal surface has area and encloses a volume but has no width. Fuller held that unthinking use of obsolete scientific ideas detracts from and misleads intuition. Other neologisms collectively invented by the Fuller family, according to Allegra Fuller Snyder, are the terms "sunsight" and "sunclipse", replacing "sunrise" and "sunset" to overturn the geocentric bias of most pre-Copernican celestial mechanics.

Fuller was not simply a stickler for precision. He was wanting us to rise above old, dated, confining paradigms and be caught up in life transforming orbs of light ourselves. Such are the minds, thoughts, and experiences of others that have not only amused me in the course of my own life but also inspired me to realise that there is much more to being human than simply a constricted Space-Time-Energy-Mass (STEM) Box prisoner of circumstance and misfortune. Huge is the impact of a singular life upon another that in time reverberates down the generations with awesome tidal consequences and outcomes.
A Geodesic Sphere (Wikimedia Commons)

* Along these lines I commend the South African based novel of BryceCourtenay,  The Power of One...another story I resonate with. 

Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia,

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