Monday, June 25, 2012

Would God Answer Our prayers through the Pleiadans?

Sunrise at St Micahaels-on-Sea, 13 June 2012 CGG

Both Scriptural Christianity and Scientific Cosmology informs my spirituality. Frank Laubach believed prayer to be the mightiest force in the World available to man. Indeed, the most awesome power in the Universe! If so, would God not engage Extraterrestrial Sentient Beings to intervene to respond to our human planetary crises? I see no reason why not. God engages human agencies to answer prayer. So why not Galactic and Quantum means? Macracosmic as well as Microcosmic powers? Even Extraterrestrial, Multi-Dimensional Spiritual Beings? I think so. It gives me the sense of unlimited possible action!

There are some who believe such a possibility already exists, already present now in the realm of reality, just waiting in the wings to be fully disclosed to human consciousness. For instance, so-called "channeller" Greg Giles wrote recently on behalf of the "Galactic Federation of Light":

"We have always assured that you would receive the benefits from our assistance, although it has been necessary for us to conceal our helping hand to better allow you to reap the rewards of going it on your own. This has always been a very delicate operation where we needed to conceal our craft from your eyes and needed to camouflage our part in many of your affairs. We feel we have done an adequate job in this sense, and up until very recent times we feel very few of you were even aware of our presence and still more of you were unaware that we took part in so many events and directions that your society has taken."

Is this just "New Age Mumbo Jumbo"? Some of us might be cynical. Billy Graham thought Extraterrestrials could be Angels - God's "Secret Agents" (Angels God's Secret Agents, p.21 See One is reminded of  the story in 2 Kings 6:16-17 where Elisha's servant could not see all the protection that surrounded them, until the Lord opened his eyes at Elisha's request. Then he could see the hills occupied by other-worldly horses and chariots of fire surrounding and protecting them. Or one thinks of Michael and his Angels: Dan 12:1  "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince who standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that same time” (Dan 12:1; Rev 12:7).

However, having said this and whatever our expectations or convictions might be, the primary responsibility for change in our World lies with us, ordinary beings. Einstein once said, "Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act." Henry Burton wrote a hymn, one of my favourites, that for me, says it all:

There's a light upon the mountains,
  and the day is at the spring,
When our eyes shall see the beauty
  and the glory of the King;
Weary was our heart with waiting, and
  the night-watch seemed so long,
But His triumph-day is breaking, and
  we hail it with a song.

He is calling for His angels to build
  up the gates of day;
But His angels here are human, not
  the shining hosts above,
For the drum-beats of His army are
  the heart-beats of our love.


©Colin G Garvie HomePage:

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back!
    You make extraterrestrials something I could believe in.
