Saturday, May 28, 2011

Something's Coming...and it's not just Comet Elenin!

"We are born at a given moment in a given place and like vintage years of wine we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything else." -Carl Jung

This June is a very significant month for me. On the 15th I will turn 65, technically the date I should have retired. But that was prematurely snatched from me and will be a subject for another time. More important now is what makes June 2011 so significant to me. Not anything I imagine that would matter very much to others except perhaps a little tinge of curiosity. For me however, something more astonishing than Harold Camping's Rapture and much more exciting than the expected imminent Ascension of New Agers.

Between 1st June and 1st July 2011 there are three eclipses, the so-called "Mid-year Eclipse Triad" of 2011: 1 June, 15 June and 1 July. Our Winter Solstice falls on 21 June. Now Mid-Year Eclipses are something really cool for Geminis! They are Gemini Eclipses.  What makes this even more  interesting for me is that my birth coincided with an eclipse too, the 14th June eclipse of 1946.

Observing the 2002 Solar Eclipse (Photo: C Young)

I've dubbed these mysterious coincidences between the macro- and microcosms, "AstroSynchronicities". Carl Jung said, "these [cosmic] influences are nothing but unconscious instrospective perceptions of the collective unconscious." Or to rephrase that, these are reflections of a far bigger picture of which we are not always consciously aware. In that sense the Mid-year Eclipse Triad of 2011 becomes for me "sacramental": an outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible reality. It evokes the sense of wonder and mystery that I tried to describe in a previous blog.

Lyrics from "West Side Story" beautifully expresses this mystical feeling of anticipation, expectation, and cosmic connectedness or harmony I feel:

Could be! 
Who knows? 
There's something due any day; 
I will know right away, 
Soon as it shows. 
It may come cannonballing down through the sky, 
Gleam in its eye, 
Bright as a rose! 

Who knows? 
It's only just out of reach, 
Down the block, on a beach, 
Under a tree. 
I got a feeling there's a miracle due, 
Gonna come true, 
Coming to me! 

Could it be? Yes, it could. 
Something's coming, something good, 
If I can wait! 
Something's coming, I don't know what it is, 
But it is 
Gonna be great! 

With a click, with a shock, 
Phone'll jingle, door'll knock, 
Open the latch! 
Something's coming, don't know when, but it's soon; 
Catch the moon, 
One-handed catch! 

Around the corner, 
Or whistling down the river, 
Come on, deliver 
To me! 
Will it be? Yes, it will. 
Maybe just by holding still, 
It'll be there! 

Come on, something, come on in, don't be shy, 
Meet a guy, 
Pull up a chair! 
The air is humming, 
And something great is coming! 
Who knows? 
It's only just out of reach, 
Down the block, on a beach, 
Maybe tonight . . .

Comet Elenin? I almost forgot. Just wait and see! Meanwhile, google it or see

For further reading:

Carl Jung and Astrology


©Colin G Garvie HomePage:

The Footprints of God: The Relationship of Astrology, C.G. Jung, the Gospels

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